At ++ Joshua Paul Logan Ministries‘ Jesus Kingdom Community Franchise Development Collaboration, we are passionate about building a legacy of faith, hope, love, and generational wealth in Jesus’s Kingdom citizens.

Our mission is to empower individuals of all ages and backgrounds, including children, youth, young adults, seniors, disadvantaged persons, entrepreneurs, and business owners, to fulfill their God-given purpose and live a life and legacy of abundance.

Through education, entrepreneurship, and Ancient Faith Empowered mentorship, we are creating a new generation of Mission Driven onorhodox Legacy Builders who will build generational wealth and be the change they want to see in the world.

Our unique Ministry Model fueled by  the synergy of our Kingdom Community Developers, who work together to empower Kingdom Citizens to manifest their abundant Intrinsic Destinies.’

Our values of faith, hope, love, and generational wealth, guide our decision-making and actions. We are constantly striving to make a positive impact on our communities and the Kingdom of God as a whole.

We are committed to creating “The World House – A Beloved Community,” where every person is empowered to fulfill their God-given purpose and live a life and legacy of abundance.

We take pride in our achievements and milestones through the Help of The Lord, including the creation of a thriving Kingdom Global Network that spans the globe, partnerships with like-minded organizations, and the empowerment of countless individuals to build generational wealth and fulfill their purpose.

At ++ Joshua Paul’s, Jesus Kingdom Community Franchise Development Collaboration Initiative, we are committed to making a positive impact on the citizens of the Kingdom of God and the world we live in.

Through our unique mission and values, we are differentiating ourselves from other ministry models and creating a new standard for what it means to be a Kingdom-focused ministry and business.

We believe that by empowering individuals to fulfill their God-given purpose, we are creating a better world for generations to come.


++ Joshua Paul Logan

  • ++ Joshua Paul Logan, A child after God’s own heart he is the blessed son of his beloved parents, the late Patriarch Father Abraham, and Matriarch Mother Elaine Logan.
  • He is well known for his many business accomplishments, entrepreneurial endeavors, and social activism. He was raised in Hampton, Virginia.
  • His water baptism as a child was at the Hope Chapel A.M.E. Zion Church in Utica, New York.  His spiritual growth was nurtured under the leadership of Rev. Dr. E. M. Wilson at the Greater Walters A.M.E. Zion Church in Newport News, Virginia.
  • In March of 1990, Joshua was baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit evidenced by the speaking in other tongues at the True Believers Glorious Pentecostal Church under the pastorate of now Apostle, Ernest Quick Jr.
    • In 1991, Joshua became Minister Logan under the leadership of now Bishop Dennis Jefferson (Pastor of the P.E.C. – P.A.W.).
    • Minister Logan served as the Youth President and Pastoral Armor Bearer to Bishop Jefferson in Palmer Park, Maryland until 1995 when he was ordained as an Elder in the World Assemblies of Restoration where His Excellency, Bishop James D. Nelson Sr. was the Presiding Prelate.
    • In 1999, with the help of The Lord, he founded a revolutionary cross denominational movement of ministries, now known as Promised Land Ministries.


King Jesus - Kingdom Resurgence CRUSADE WARFARE Fund

Become a Collaborating Covenant Partner with your monthly support commitment to our CRUSADE WARFARE FUND. Your God inspired monthly contributions will provide funding for local ministry development, regional crusades, conferences, community service programs, youth servicing initiatives, young adult collaboration opportunities, senior care assistance programs, mental health services, and disadvantaged persons to access and receive The GOSPEL “Good News” of THE KINGDOM of GOD.

++Joshua Paul Logan - Jesus Kingdom Resurgence

Welcome to ++Joshua Paul Logan Ministries – Jesus Kingdom Resurgence, where we are reviving Ancient Faith principles and empowering a Legacy of wealth in Kingdom Citizens. Our Kingdom Community Development approach is rooted in The Lord’s and His Apostles’ teachings, Christ’s Convergence Movement of John 17, and is focused on demonstrating God’s Love while fulfilling the Mission of our King, Jesus the Christ.

Promised Land Ministries - Washington DC HQ

A Cross Denominational Kingdom Builders Ministerial Alliance. Kingdom Community Development, reviving the Ancient Faith, Apostolic teachings, and John 17’s Convergence Movement, demonstrating God’s Love, fulfilling the Mission of our King, Jesus the Christ, empowering a Legacy of wealth in Kingdom Citizens.


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Join this Movement of Kingdom Ambassadors and Community Developers and Experience the Synergy and Power of Kingdom Citizens, Ancient Faith Teachings, and Community Collaborations, with Contemporary Living.